Why not just ignore it?
Addressing microaggressions in places like work, school, businesses, restaurants, and casual conversations is where the work to end the dangerous cycle starts! Ignoring those everyday stereotypes and never calling them out may unconsciously plant seeds in society's minds. Those seeds may grow into more significant problems. For example, following a person around with a gun because you believe they were a thief.....is an extreme example of how stereotypes against a particular group can lead to violence! I think we all understand now just how bad it could be. Even after electing a black president, people assumed that things would get better, but it didn't "...For instance, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that in the month following the 2016 president election, violent hate crimes were at a record high—with an estimated 315 hate crimes targeting immigrants, 221 hate crimes toward Black people, 112 hate crimes toward Muslims, and 109 hate crimes toward LGBTQ people (Nadal, 2017)." Let's do the work!
Microaggressions and Traumatic Stress: Theory, Research .... https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/Microaggressions-and-Traumatic-Stress-Series-Forward-and-Intro-Sample.pdf
Yee, F., 2020. How Microaggressions Lead To Mass Shootings - The Concordian. [online] The Concordian.